I give it a 110 % all year. When not, I am just me. Have a look at my world!

mandag 27. juli 2009

Big plans

As you might understood allready; My cast is off, and I am off to do things I like. Like this video for instance.
It's a place just 2 km from were I have lived most my life. BUT. I am trying to find places like this elsewhere. Do you know of
a place like this? Cliffdiving spot? It has to be deep enough with water underneath the cliff so my feet don't touch the ground, and it has
to be atleast 7-8 metres and higher!

Please, tell me!

6 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Kan du lære PK å blogge? Han er jo helt dæv når det gjelder blogging!:p

Teo sa...

I've got one!

Bygdas store fasilitet. "Svarthølet" på Tretten! Målt til 9,5m mener jeg.

Vibeke sa...

Svartølen\Svarthølen i Østre Gausdal ;)

Teoo sa...

Hvorfor får alt i Gudbrandsdalen navn med "svart" i?

Vibeke sa...

Hakke peil!

Anonym sa...

Lahells klippene i Drammen. der er det 5, 9, 14, 16 og 21 meter