Today was a day that I actually felt that I had done something. Something real. Started off with working out at the gym. Tired, and my finger are still not good. Hurts a lot when I work out.

Had a pretty nice dinner with Ida, steak again. Gotta learn to love it! Sunny weather for once!

Powder alarm in Norway. Time to pick up some white gold in summertime.

Set and done. Quite a heavy load, I don't think these trucks are ment to take this much cargo.

Setup is ready. Even though there were snow in the landing zone, you were pretty screwed if you had a bad landing.

G' him self. Magnus Nørsteng. Railmaster flex.

Can't remember this kids' name, but he had some nice 270's on all day.

Me, myself and I. I want to confess something: "I am not, nor will I ever be, a skilled athlete on summersnow set-ups. " I suck, in other words. My shirt got dirty after a couple of minutes.

Shufle that snow bro..

Somebody is getting tired of crashing every single time on the 270's on... CRAP. Magz got them a LOT.

Yes... THAT guy...

Well, somebody threat their skis bad, even after the session..

...while somebody does the job that's required.
Now I got to go to bed. My body is beat after all the crashing and working out early today.
Tomorrow is a new day, which marks the start of the week from hell.. 50 hours of work, nearly.
I'm out, edit will show up here before you know!
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