I had all Sunday off, to do anything I wanted. I wanted to go racing with my new bike. Do you think it happend?

I was really excited to ride all day in the sun. I had even filled a 10 L can with gasoline, just for the day.

But when I parked my car in the driveway, Andreas came running towards me. He told me that there has been some serious leakage underneath the bike. Not a shock really, we had been riding for 7 hours the day before. Just a small rock could have caused this.

He was right, there were a floaded dam underneath the bike with oil. Not that strange if you take a good look. This is taken from underneath the bike. There is a major crack in the bottom of the engine, and it causes oil to run out. We had no clue what so ever, what to do. But I called a friend of mine that is very good with engines and cars, and he told me that we could use a two-component gel, when mixed together forms a certain steel-looking matter, that will fill the holes.

Afterwards I called every gas-station around, since stores are closed on sundays. I ended up talking to my boss at work, who had this at home, and loaned it to me. THANKS!
We drained the oil-tank, and cleaned the surface where the cracks were. The picture is taken after the super-operation. Haha. Mechanics would have laughed in their graves if they saw this!
I'm going to check back in later today if it's going to hold up, or if the oil comes straight out again.
Gotta rush to work, have a nice da you all!
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