A big tribute to MJ, but also to show you how good a dj he really is!
mandag 31. august 2009
God is a DJ
Came across this video today while surfing youtube for Laidback Luke videos. I am a GREAT fan of this man, he is a god in cdjaying (mixing music with cd's). He was one of the first ones out there to start with cd's instead of vinyls!
søndag 30. august 2009
Steffen Hamre in "Moments" 2007
This is a skimovie made by Christoffer Aldell in 2007, and was my last performance in a skimovie. Hopefully i get to be in some new one day! This is old footage, but reminds me of good times! Enjoy!

I really don't have a lot to blog about these days. Work, gym, food... That's basically all it is.. 6 days a week. But Sundays are a bit different, then I get to do things I like.. I usually don't like to blog when I have nothing to share. Everyone has something cool they are doing, while I just work... The picture on the other hand is my 312327th gainer shake... But have I gained weight? NO.. not at all, I just don't seem to put on weight, or muscles.

But I went to the gym, for the 5th time this week. Hopefully I am getting a bit stronger for everytime I go there.

I had my birthday on friday, and my family were here for a small get-together. Fortunately, there is plenty of cake left! Three sorts!! Yummy
6+1 is 7
This pretty much sums up my week.. Rain and long days at work. Really good to have sun for once, and on sunday as well! I have been working out a lot lately, and it feels good again.
Yesterday Ida's parents, my parents and my grandparents payed me a visit to celebrate my birthday... and as an huge suprice, my aunt and uncle came all the way from home.. (400 km) just to reach my birthday! Wow!
Really tired right now, just trying to figure out if I should go to the gym or not... What do you think?
fredag 28. august 2009
Sweet 21
Today is my 21st birthday, and I celebrated it with sleeping in an extra hour! Smooth! Woke up with 40 notifications on facebook saying congrats with the day... Didn't know that so many people were up so early, and actually gave a crap about me.. haha.. Thank you everyone for your kindness! It really makes my day.
Now it's time to swallow three eggs and coffe, and go to work! Have a nice day you all,
torsdag 27. august 2009
Getting in shape

Yesterday I rushed to the gym after dinner to get in shape, and it was truly a good session. I turned my old ipod on FULL volume, and went for it!
4 x 4 reps Benchpress
4 x 6 reps flies
4 x 4 squats
4 x 6 footpress ?

Then, before it got dark I went for a ride with my bike. It's actually fixed, and no more oil-leekage. And when you are riding a dirtbike after a heavy rain-period, you get dirty... get it? Dirt-bike?

Really frustrating to have bought a bike, and then all of a sudden everything is a mess. But now it's allright, and it's rock'n roll!
By the way, my camera likes to take ghost-like pictures when it's dark. I don't think Nikon have thought about focus when it's dark... Thanks!
tirsdag 25. august 2009

Last two weeks has been kind of busy, and tonight I really wanted to have a off-night from everything else. So, what is better, than lay down on the couch and watch a tv-show or a movie in your own "chillout" zone?

Well, I brought a fresh cup of coffee, and yeah.. the rest of the night is soon to be history.. it is really a good feeling to relax after a busy period.. But nothing more sucks than having every day off, after doing nothing.. It's about finding the smooth transition in between this two things! People are different, and I like keeping myself busy. Even if it's work, or training or doing things at home. And skiing of course.
Tomorrow it's my legs and chest workout day, really nice to have started the chainreaction of training again!
mandag 24. august 2009
Late night tacos

Sometimes I wish I could be a physical schizo, and clone myself to be in several places at the time. I have so much I want to do, and some of it requires me to work and earn money, other is just priceless. Eather way, I have to have enough time to do all this, and I have to be effective. Some might say my lifestyle is just stress, and no fun. But I get so easily boored of things, that I need to fill my everyday with fun things to do. Look at this funny kid, just itching to ride my bike! Cool!

I got to run a few test rounds with my bike before I headed up to the gym. They close at 10 PM, and I don't want to rush my training. Worked out pretty well, and I am tired, but I wasn't as strong as I wanted to be tonight.

After stopping by the store, I wanted to make myself a healthy late night meal. Late night tacos!

Doesn't look that good, but it was delicious. Especially compared to dry bread.
My body is dead after work, riding, working out and other activities from today... See you! Good night.

I had all Sunday off, to do anything I wanted. I wanted to go racing with my new bike. Do you think it happend?

I was really excited to ride all day in the sun. I had even filled a 10 L can with gasoline, just for the day.

But when I parked my car in the driveway, Andreas came running towards me. He told me that there has been some serious leakage underneath the bike. Not a shock really, we had been riding for 7 hours the day before. Just a small rock could have caused this.

He was right, there were a floaded dam underneath the bike with oil. Not that strange if you take a good look. This is taken from underneath the bike. There is a major crack in the bottom of the engine, and it causes oil to run out. We had no clue what so ever, what to do. But I called a friend of mine that is very good with engines and cars, and he told me that we could use a two-component gel, when mixed together forms a certain steel-looking matter, that will fill the holes.

Afterwards I called every gas-station around, since stores are closed on sundays. I ended up talking to my boss at work, who had this at home, and loaned it to me. THANKS!
We drained the oil-tank, and cleaned the surface where the cracks were. The picture is taken after the super-operation. Haha. Mechanics would have laughed in their graves if they saw this!
I'm going to check back in later today if it's going to hold up, or if the oil comes straight out again.
Gotta rush to work, have a nice da you all!
søndag 23. august 2009
More racing..
I forgot to take pictures yesterday, but it was a lot of fun. Everytime I experience something new I am scared of it... But as soon as I get a hang on it, I am all in for the task!
I fixed the hoose problem after work yesterday, and it was time to learn how to ride this thing. I was probably looking like a fool the first few hours, but after a while I learned how to controll things. I got to use my feet more to controll the bike, how to use the front-brake most of the time, how to take quick turns, and how to get things running fast. I was beat when I was finished (when it got dark). My arms were hurting, my ass was sore, and I was tired of all the bumps.. props to all the supercross riders around the world for riding lap after lap standing in an upright position.
I'm off to work on my riding some more, really fine looking weather outside!
cheers, steffen
lørdag 22. august 2009
Finally! A big dream come true

Yesterday was payday at work, and I have wanted something like this bike for all my life. But I haven't had the money or the place to ride it. I have been working my ass off all summer, and I am going to do the same all fall too. So I felt like giving me a little slack in the budget, and I buy myself this one.

It's not really just mine though. The guy to the right, Andreas is owning half of it! And it wasn't even that expensive, since it's a mid-size bike. (Pitbike). 150 cc 4 stroke. Beautiful sound!

It was so damn dark outside when we tested it out, but so much fun.

Didrik's bike to the right, mine and Andreas to the left.
The fun did not last THAT long though...

45 minutes after we brought it home, Didrik crushed the hose on the back wheel, and so we need to get a new one. 12 inch hose anyone?!
Gotta rush to work, talk to you later. But I am so stoked, I wanna go ride the bike again!
Working out works
Woke up this morning with SERIOUS pain in my legs and back, just the two large muscle groups I worked out here the other day. Hopefully I don't have to deal with it all day.
torsdag 20. august 2009
Best off-season session for sure!
This was the funniest off season session we'we had for sure. Everyone were throwing down like there was no tomorrow, and I learned a few tricks myself. Magz had the sickest night of all. Best steeze and tricks you will learn to love!
Sick railsession!

On my way home from work yesterday, Magnus called me and wanted me to join in for a railsession. I said yes and rushed home to eat, and get my skis.
I do not regret! What a session. Throwdown on this superfun setup. 450's on, lip 270 pretzels, 270s all directions, all-eight... you name it, people were throwing down. I got my feeling back, and really felt that I could controll my skis again. This feeling is usually something I don't get before december/january. But if I keep practicing railmoves a few times a week untill christmas, I am sure it will help my railskills.
Watch out for a edit VERY soon. Gotta go to work.
Peace you all!
tirsdag 18. august 2009
I feel strong again!

Finally!! Aftet working my ass off at work today, I went to the gym for the first time since I broke my arm. It's been nearly 8 weeks since last time, and if it hadn't been for the running and other stuff Iv'e been doing, I probably would have freaked out!
But I went to the gym with ONE intention today; Start my misson to get back to where I was before the injury.
This is how my workout program of today looked like:
4 x 4 repetitions of dead lift
3 x max chin-ups
4 x 6 repetitions of seated machine row
4 x 6 repetitions of front press
After the workout-shift I had 100 grams of TN's Fast Gain mixed with 2 dl of water. It's actually very good for thoose who can't put on weight fast, and need more nutrition for the body, than required. 20 % protein, 80 % carbs! Love it!
Gotta jump into the shower, hit me up with a question in the comment field if you are interested in training or nutrion... I could talk about it all day...
cya all
Things to remember
Last year I thought it was my last year of competing, since everything went on so slow in the beginning. But in the end I had a 1st place in Polish Freeski Open, 2nd in Swedish Open and a grand finale spot in the Jon Olsson Invitational.. .which is the biggest and most scary moment in
my carreer.

To be thrown into a comp with the best athletes and biggest jump in the world, with just one day to prepare yourself, IS a scary feeling.
The thing is; You can never plan what's going to happend. Therefore you must just live in the moment, and enjoy it!
In summertime I allways get to distance my skiing a little. Get things cleared up in my mind. Usually when it's game on, things go on so fast that you don't get to understand what's going on.
In summertime I am the little boy again. The little boy sitting in his room, watching skimovies of Tanner Hall, Simon Dumont, Jon Olsson, Sammy Carlson... you name it! I am that exactly kid that wonders how good he can become in freeskiing.
I was that kid 6 years ago.. recieving my first pair of twintip in christmas present. Now, 6 years later, I am that dude that got to compete against the best in the world, and got to be partly respected by them, for who I am.
When I get old, I probably would appreciate this even more!
Things are happening fast if you work hard!
Have a nice day!
søndag 16. august 2009
Sunday means skiing!
I don't tend to do as much in work-days, since I finish work at 6 PM every night, and then I am to tired to do anything specific other than take a small jog.. But Sundays I get to choose what I want! And since I love skiing, today was a ski-day.

Really nice to show up, and the setup is nearly done! Didn't have to move a finger this time, lucky me.

Contrasts? Full ski-equipment in summertime?

I figured it was too warm to use my tech-pants, shorts are better. What else was better to do inbetween, than give it a pose?
Before this session I actually got to jog 30 minutes. It feels great afterwards! I rewarded myself with a ski session.

It's not everyday a skier like me get to use anything else than skiclothes or surf-shorts. Well, at work I use the clothes that is required to wear, but else than that I don't. So every now and then it's nice to dress up with something else. Today I picked my brand new Salomon sweather and levi's pants.. Smooth. And since I am a freak when it comes to shoes, I choose my nike's. I bearly wear other shoes than white shoes.

Ida also like shoes, she's got a pair of fresh RED hunter boots.
Here is a small video-edit from today! I'm off to bed.. zZZzZZzz
All I could say was WOW...
If you think rally is booring... Well, watch this first! Ken Block just blew my mind... I now offisially like rally even more...
I better stop thinking
As I surf the net, reading blogs, interviews and event coverage, I can't stop thinking that people seems to get a lot of help in the ski and snowboard industry. People keep telling me to shut up and focus on having fun. Well, that's true! I need to have more fun. But as more you grow as an athlete, in any sport, you want more of the action the better you become! And this action cannot be forfilled in my backyard anymore, I need to get out, ride better parks, film more and have MORE fun skiing.

But today everything costs a lot of money, even planning to go somewhere might end up costing something... And with me, struggeling to get enough money to go somewhere this winter, I keep on wondering if I ever will manage to go somewhere.... It feels like all I ever do is work. I work hard at work to get travel-budget, I work hard at the gym for mostly nothing, and I work my ass off while skiing, realizing that I am missing the fun while working so hard... And on the other hand, it feels like people are just chilling while recieving more sponsor-money to travel, and more help as a skier, while I am just struggeling to not go anywhere... Frustrating feeling really, cause all you wanna do is to have fun and live your dream. To stupid that this sport is too small in Norway yet, and then costs a lot of money to go international.. Wish Norway had better jumps, so Americans came over here instead.

Gotta go work out, if it's not helping, atleast I am getting sweat and end up with a good feeling!
fredag 14. august 2009
Paddling into the sunset

Tonight I wanted to do something else than sit inside watching TV after work. I took the kayak for a slide on Mjøsa (the lake). It was Idas dad's kayak, and it was the racer-editon, which made it quite unstable. Worst thing I have done for a long time. All I could think of, was me fliping the kayak around, and me falling into the water. I didn't this time, but I was only out for a test-run.

Idas dad getting things ready for a test. It was very beautiful sunset when I was out, and I also got to test out my new wet-suite. My pimp 40 Euro suite!
Worked like a charm!

After I finished my little journey, I took my suite for a bath in the fresh water. Really refreshing. A little everyday adventure! You don't need a lot of money to do something else than the everyday life, just use your imagination. It's hard, and it's not like I come up with something like this everyday, it's just impulses!

Ida watching a TV show she use to watch. I, on the other hand..had some candy and sat with my computer.
Tomorrow is my last day at work this week, gotta find something cool to do this weekend!
torsdag 13. august 2009
Protein brownies

On my way to pick up Ida from work, I got this sucker in front of my car... He drove a breathtaking 5 km an hour.. Talking about speed! PIMP

Tonight I felt like having something sweet to eat.. Haha, busting rhymes... Anywho, I did not feel like baking brownies, cause it's pure sugar.. So I tried a little reciept of my own.
Protein are healthy, and re-build your muscles and fibres, so you can get stronger. I wanted to bake them into my brownies! It has been discussed a lot if it's possible to cook protein-powder or not, but I took the chance.
Steffens Protein brownies:
2 scoops of Tech Nutrition Protein powder
1 bag of brownies-to-go (easy-bake-bag).
1 egg
1 dl water
150 grams of melted butter.

My kitchen consists of many ingrediences ready to use. On of them is pure protein after work outs!

After I put the oven at 175 degrees celsius, I mixed the ingrediences in a bowl, and poured it into a another bowl that can take heat.

Let it stay there for a half-an hour or so, and let it cool off for a good 15 minutes.
Bon appetitte!
onsdag 12. august 2009
One bike gone bad!

After dinner I slapped myself in the face and kicked myself out the door for a jog. I really need to work out a little, haven't done that for a week or two.

Went out for a half-hour, my strength isn't what it was before I broke my arm. But the feeling after I jogged was good!

Later on I wanted some action, and drove across the lake to see Didrik, a friend. I brought my helmet-hero and attached it on the handle-bar. Looked pretty sick, but it was to shaky to be perfect!
After just 5 minutes of fun, the bike broke down. While I was riding like hell, in 80 km/h, the bike stoped REALLY fast. I mean really fast. The backwheel almost gained on me, and the bike came nearly sideways. My first thought was: "Hmm, cylinder is stuck!!".
(See for yourself, sorry for Norwegian language)

So it was time to pick up my mechanical skills.. which isn't too much to brag about.
But, I'm learning, and it's great to learn new things while doing. Allways wanted to be a mechanic!

Allmost there, the cylinder lies under a whole lot of crap that has to be removed. Hoses and the gas tank to name a few...
Really tired after sitting on my ass, trying to fix this bike. The cylinder was stuck, and he probably needs a new kit.
tirsdag 11. august 2009
New clothes!!

Got home from work and a huge box waited for me inside the door. Inside was my new clothes for this winter. Thank you Salomon!! My new favourite setup for this winter is this one right here. I love it!

Turn around please!!
It's raining outside, and I am really boored. I should work out, but I don't feel like. Guess I have got a little more lazy since I broke my hand. But allthough I have had a lot of fun last week, and I didn't work out. Well.. That's how it is, not allways fun to work out, but it is really needed.
mandag 10. august 2009
Juvvass video vol1
Follow me around at Juvvass mid-summer! First day of skiing since 1st of May. Such a great feeling!
Morning routine vol 2
I had a good night's sleep last night. Yesterday was a small challange for my body. With 6 hours of driving, and 5 hours of shredding park. Today was my first day at work, which meant that I had to get up early.

And yeah, Ida is sick and wanted to dive down in the couch and get fat with choclate and monster... I don't think she really meant that...

This is me, wearing the beautiful work-uniform. Dress shirt and makers pants. Well, it's not exactly baggy shorts, caps and tall-tees.. but it does the job.
I'm trying to edit a video from Juvvass, but I suck and gave up for the 2nd time half-an hour ago...
Really sick that editors like Happypro, 2Hands and Field manage to edit videos that takes 100's of hours to get done. Thumbs up.
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Catch up with the latest happenings
- ► november 2009 (1)
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august 2009
- God is a DJ
- Steffen Hamre in "Moments" 2007
- Cake
- 6+1 is 7
- Sweet 21
- Getting in shape
- Chillout-zone
- Late night tacos
- Bike-surgery!
- More racing..
- Finally! A big dream come true
- Working out works
- Best off-season session for sure!
- Sick railsession!
- I feel strong again!
- Things to remember
- Sunday means skiing!
- All I could say was WOW...
- I better stop thinking
- Paddling into the sunset
- Protein brownies
- One bike gone bad!
- New clothes!!
- Juvvass video vol1
- Morning routine vol 2
- 11 hours of summerskiing.
- I made up my mind.
- At the Beach
- Summer memories - find the wrong one!
- It's heating up - Hit the pool!
- Slacking the line!
- A day at the pool
- BBQ & Hangout
- Cross-over day!
- Days to remember
- The ultimate test!
- Let me entertain you.
- Skiing again
- Progression of skiing, with FMX?
- Powder alarm in Norway!!
- Powder alarm in Norway!!
- ► april 2009 (17)
- ► februar 2009 (15)
- ► januar 2009 (11)
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