I give it a 110 % all year. When not, I am just me. Have a look at my world!

fredag 28. november 2008

Us day_2 - Breck rail session

Went to Breck today, 20 minutes instead of 40 with bus, and less hiking and much more funny rails. And yeah, today was thanksgiving and of course we forgot to run to the store in time. I ended up with buying a frozen burrito from a gas station.. and water.. what a thanksgiving!

www.steffenhamre.com Breckenridge 1 from Steffen Hamre on Vimeo.

Just hanging around in Breckenridge.

Mr Paal posing in front of the park-banner.
"Oh, it's the Norwegian twins again!" Or what about, NO!

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Or what about, YES?! Hehe :)

The Odd Future Show sa...


Anonym sa...

Haaaay Gææææir:)

ser ut som dere koser dere gutter. heldiggriser;)

hilsen "Venke" :)