I give it a 110 % all year. When not, I am just me. Have a look at my world!

onsdag 26. november 2008

The longest day of my life

Today was time to go to USA for skiing. This pretty much sum up my last 24 hours:

03:50 - Woke up at Oslo Gardermoen.
06:35 - My and Paal Andre Lund's flight to Frankfurt.
09:45 - Got to Franfurt, 4 hours of waiting till next flight.
12:55 - The longest flight of my life started.
23:45 - Finally after boring myself to death, and after a unknown numbers of tries to confess something to the videoblog camera, mostly that this was the longest trip of my life. And that I regretted the whole thing... baaah

01:15 - Tricked a private driver from Colorado Mountain Express to let us ride for 85 $ each, though flat rate was 110 $.. The good old please please please, let us ride trick worked! He got pissed. He also didn't first answer my "how do you like the new president" question.

03:15 - Finally arrived our hotel, at Alpine Inn.
05:42 - Typing down a few words to have something on my blog.. so so so tired right now. We also forgot a whole bag of things on Wal-Mart. That's how tired we are.

Random shots from the trip of hell:

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