I love mornings! Just to wake up fresh and just know that you have a lot of time before work or school is great! To work is ot the best thing to do when the nice outside. But I usually make the best out of it. Wake up 2 hours before work starts and just dig in!

Coffee is a great way to start the day off with, black! No biggie... Surf on the web for news and blogs, and send some e-mails. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so for me it's essential to get something good to eat that lasts long. Oats and Biola is perfect + 3 eggs!
My back is dead after yesterdays work out, really getting a hold of the training theese days. I have learned how to push myself harder each workout-session. As soon as you get stronger you can put on more weights, and do each rep. more perfect! Also I quit work at 18.00 again today, that kind of sucks though...
Blog to you later...
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