Since my life has been all about effectivity for the last three months, it is time to lower my shoulders and relax one week. I think I am getting a hold of it, really good!

Today all I have been doing is eating good food, and working on my tan... Well, we went for a jog before breakfast with pullups and dropdown work out in a local playground here. Perfect start of the day!

Had a nice chicken filet lunch with coffee at Island beach bar. Lovely!

I like it down here, slow days and warm weather.
Sitting outside a local bakery right now, hustling free wireless to blog to you! Me and Ida are leaving for dinner pretty soon, waiting for her to get dressed. She has been a good girl these three days. Reading books for her homework, schoolstuff!
I am hungry, so I better be leaving. Take care, I will.. and after this week my mind will be set at Winter-time!
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