I give it a 110 % all year. When not, I am just me. Have a look at my world!

tirsdag 10. februar 2009

www.steffenhamre.com Videoblog vol.1

For the last 1,5 year I have been doing this blog thing. It started out pretty booring with few visitors (which I expected). The last summer was almost a non-visiting period for my blog, and this fall and pre-winter has overgone ALL my expectations!! Allmost 35 000 people has been reading or watching my blog since October last fall. That is a lot of readers. So thank you very much for taking time off your day to read about my skiing career.

To give something back to all you guys, I have decided to take you with me while traveling the world. With my ghetto cam I will try to make edits and videoblog posts so that you all can see what's going on behind the scenes in comps, film/photo-shoots and training. I allways read and watch videos and text-coverage from Competitions, but it's all the same. People that is not there to see that specific competition, tend to be a little more smart-ass than they should. If a skier won for some reason, and the people back home reading the results start to make up their own thoughts about the comp. Some actually mean the winner is not the winner, eventhough he or she hasn't even seen the comp themselves. That is why I wan't to show people what is ACTUALLY going on behind the startgate, hotel or slopes throughout the winter. This videoblog may seem booring to some, and entertaining to others. But all in all, I will try to mix up the content so that all you can watch a decent video every now and then!

I hope you understand what this is all about, and that you enjoy it! Please feel free to post comments underneath every blog post if you wondering of something, and I will put the posts up!

So here we go; The first videoblog post on www.steffenhamre.com Polish Freeskiing Open - Behind the scenes.

Videos will be permanently moved to www.downdays.eu as soon as their pro-rider videopage will come up in a week or two!!


1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

That will keep the peoples attention and thats the way to run blog - video blogs. Keep up!