As you allready know I am in Japan for the Nippon freeskiing Open. I'm in the semi-finals for big-air, and today was training day. Alex, Frido, Pc and Me was hiking the quarterpipe below the big-air jump to get our tricks better and higher. A lot of guys were throwing sick tricks today, and many were speeding up to get higher airs. I got to attend two trainings today. Bigair practice in the morning and hiking quarterpipe and bigair practice in the afernoon. I had a pretty fun day, and Ida was taking some photos after lunch.
The snow came in in the afternoon, and it was har to see the landing. The takeoff was sketchy and slushy. In the first training today I tried a few sw 1080's, since I haven't done more than like 5 of them all year!! I ended up pulling of my ski in the air, but it went all good. Nobody got hurt. In the afternoon I got my sw 10 a couple of times and it felt great.