We are in snowy Colorado right now. It has been snowing more than less since last Thursday. There is not much to say either, been skiing a little powder, and sitting inside watching the weather. And, yeah, I got a American number now, it's
(970) 455-4775, call that instead of my norwegian cellphone number. It's beeing switched off for the three weeks while I'm here.
Just uploading some photos from the last days, I don't expect you to get over-exited when seeing this photos, but this is what we have been up to.
A lot of snow in Breckenridge resort right now. Prob. 1 meter.
Paal is getting stoked up on receiving his wide-angle lence for his HD-Camera. Now we are ready to shoot some follows when A-51 jump line opens.
There are a lot of Mexican people up here, and so there is also a lot of Mexican stores. The owner of this shop gave us a quick boot-tour and wanted us to buy some. Haha,

Look! I'm the I in FRISCO. Stoked.
We packed our bags for one week, and then ofcourse we have to wash some clothes every now and then. Every day the maid on our hotel set the window on full gape in order to get rid of the stank that twirls around in the air. Haha, poor lady. Don't used to ski bums like us.
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