fredag 29. mai 2009
Working OUT
fredag 22. mai 2009
Summer-project, part-2

As you can see, I have installed the mat that will give me the speed to hit the rail. Although, I'm not quite sure how the speed is going to work out yet. I think I need a hose and some soap at the time I will test it out. I probably need a hose that is running on spree constantly while hitting it.
torsdag 21. mai 2009
Summer-project, part-1
Hi and hello everyone.
This summer I will be working every day to earn some money for next years season. But, this summer I have decided to DO something about my lack of ski-training. I have been working out in the gym mostly, but you don't get better at skiing technical. I have therefore started up with my little summer-project. Hopefully it will inspire other skiers to do the same, and hopefully it will get me stoked on skiing, eventhough it is summertime!
This is part one, aiiit!? :
Step 1: You don’t need any skills or pro materials. All you need is a rusty old saw, and a hammer + some nails. Take whatever you can get your hands on. Materials, old shitty. It doesn’t matter. Look in containers along spots where house are re-builded or torn down.
Step 2: Find some materials as mentioned, and build a start-ramp, if not needed, check for bumps in the inrun, since you probably will need a mat to ski on. This has to be smooth, so that your skis won’t get stuck in between the bumps. Use a plank or something to smoothen out the bumps, UNDERneath the mat.
Step 3 : Build a kicker. Here you will need a sheet to make a wide-ass kicker. Find a chock to put under the plate, to adjust the angle of the ramp. If the sheet/plate are thick, so that your skis would get stuck underneath the edge of it, make sure to put another sheet as an overlay to the first sheet. Words words words, I know.
Step 4: Make sure that the angles are nice, look from the side.
This is as far as I got today. Tomorrow I will cover the whole thing with a green mat, and this weekend I will build the rail.
Teaser time!!!
I don't know if anyone can see this link, but it's on facebook so far. It will be on for sure, later. Magnus Skotte Nørsteng is the man with the plan, and the video is going to be sick. Something that is cool also, is that it will be free for download later this summer! Stay tuned for more, and watch it here:
lørdag 16. mai 2009
AFP Standings
lørdag 2. mai 2009
Not a crowd-pleaser
fredag 1. mai 2009
Hemsedal crowd-pleaser
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